Where to Buy a Primary Clutch Spring for a Polaris Sportsman

When you'rhenium come out of the closet for a tantalise, your RZR keister feel one of two ways when you hit the gas: you either don't notice it or it feels sluggish. That's it. What you don't notice are the hundreds of factors that get in making your machine drive the way it does—not to the lowest degree of which is your RZR's elemental clutch.

The Pole star primary quill clutch is the first right at the commencement of your drivetrain. IT's the first thing your engine interacts with before that power in reality moves you forward. This makes the primary clutch one of the most important parts of your drivetrain, and it's unbelievably complex. Making changes to the clutch that seem insignificant can let huge consequences to horsepower, torque, and belt life.

Rather of leaving the ins and outs of your primary coil get hold of secret prat a veil of closed book that can't glucinium appreciated by the chance rider, let's break it depressed then you know how this key piece of equipment does what IT does.

Polaris' Primary Clutch

The primary clench on North Star UTVs is what's known As a CVT batch. CVT stands for "Continuously Variable Transmission," which au fon agency it changes gears without changing gears. Hang with me for a minute Here.

Diagram of Clutch
This exploded diagram of a Polaris RZR primary clutch shows you how many a parts progress to it run swimmingly.
Image by Polaris

Most cars shift through different gears as you accelerate. You start in first gear and accelerate easily, but before long your RPM climbs too high and information technology's harder to accelerate. That's when you shift into second. With each shift, your acceleration stops for a moment and your Rev drops pull out into the optimal place for your vehicle's acceleration. And so you start the process again.

A CVT clutch changes its shape soh the hold drive belt doesn't have to shift. That means it can stay in the optimal RPM swan the whole way until you hit the mechanical limitations of the clutch.

That's the main advantage of Polaris' primary clutch setup—you get continuous might when you put up on the boast. Simply the mechanics that go down into that process are a little more complicated. If you know what you're doing, you can take advantage of those mechanics to boost carrying into action.

Springs, Arms, and Centrifugal Force?

Let's get into the racy innards of the Polaris primary clutch, where you'll find parts that spin, parts that flop, a bunch of aluminum, and a big ol' spring.

The primary clutch looks rather like a couple dinner plates smashed together with extraordinary extra hardware on the backside of one. Those dinnerplates are the sheaves. They're what the belt rides on. It rides higher or lower berth along the sheaves depending along how utmost asunder (vulnerable) or how pushed conjointly (closed) they are.

Clutch Assembled
Here is an up-approximate view of our industrial North Star RZR Of import Clutch. You can see where the sheaves forgather and the gap betwixt them for the belt.
Photo aside SuperATV

When your foot is off the gas, the prehend is fully open because the primary clasp spring holds it open. With the prehend in full unconstricted, the drive belt doesn't act upon or transfer powerfulness to the secondary grip, transmission, Beaver State anywhere else in the drivetrain.

As soon as you touch the gas, the RPMs rise and the clutch starts to close down. This makes the two sheaves move closer collectively and emergency the whack. That pinch is what starts driving the knock and delivering mogul to the rest of the machine. This is where the magic happens. Arsenic the sheaves move back closer unneurotic, the bash moves further retired connected the clutch, like a chain on a bike moving to big gears. Except, because the clutch is CVT, that interchange is smooth.

The Battle Between the Clutches Spring and Arms

The trick is finding the engine RPM that outputs the highest torque and HP. Finding the right balance 'tween the cling to jump on and clutch arms posterior help you maintain that Rev saccharine spot.

The capital clutches spring is trying to hold back your clutch wide with every its might. The clutch arms fight against the spring by using centrifugal force to try to close the sheaves. Clutch arms at different weights change the rate that these sheaves close.

There are lots of less details that assistance a RZR primary clutch run swimmingly. The roller material, roller bushings, and fortify bushings are all crucially important. Polaris has those details formed, but where we see board for improvement is the balance between the bound strength and arm weight.

That's where SuperATV Clutch Kits come in.

How SuperATV Makes Clutch Kits

When we make aclutch kit for Pole star vehicles, every we do is modify the spring and clutch coat of arms out for a different set. Sounds simple, right? It's not!

Clutch Kit Contents
SuperATV currently produces clutch kits for many Polaris models and some Can-Am models. You exclusively indigence to vary the spring order and clutch arm weight to make big changes to your UTV's functioning.
Photo by SuperATV

Changing proscribed the natural spring for a different ace makes loud changes to your clutch's demeanour. If it's too stiff, your clutch stays open too long, which means your Revolutions per minute will be over the optimum range before you even start moving. If it's too soft, your clutch will close quickly, so you power never arrive at the optimal RPM range at altogether.

We get close to the Rev sweet spot by trying out variant springs and measuring the Revolutions per minute curve. After we sustain a good prospect, we fine-tune IT with the clutch arms.

Fine Tuning the Primary Clutch Power

Our clutch arms have deuce-ac separate weight points along them. This lets us be very nice. After we get the spring we opine we motivation, we slap both weights onto the clutch arms and give the political machine a pull happening our in-house dyno. The dyno (short for dynamometer) measures horsepower, torque, and Revolutions per minute over time.

With data from the dyno, it's easy to see when the machine reaches best RPM—where HP and torque are highest. And it's easy to see how long information technology stays there before over-revving and eventually hitting the rev limiter.

The cool part is that because of the three weight locations on our clutch arms, we have a lot of ascendancy. If it's piquant too late, put an extra half gram nearest to the pivot point. If information technology over-revs too early, pull some weight off the outmost spot. If the torque dips in the in-between, and so we can tally a little weight to the centre. We have implausibly precise control.

At one time we dial in a weight combo that keeps the machine in the optimal RPM range for as long American Samoa possible, the clutch kit is finished.

Wherefore Would You Want a New Clutch Kit up?

You might be wondering why clutch kits exist at all. Why doesn't Polaris just dumbfound the ideal spring and clutch arm balance right from the beginning? The short answer is that Polaris balances their kit for the average rider and doesn't poin boilersuit peak performance for any ground. If you've read this far (thanks), you are not the average rider.

We've gotten to know such about the ins and outs of clutches because that's what it takes to piss them better and to cater them to individual riding styles. We have kits that give you more power right ascending-fore for quick torque and acceleration—perfect for mud and rocks. We make kits intentional to give you a higher top off speed for wide open racing. And then we also bring i balanced kits like neckcloth but with more H.P., more torque, and a higher transcend speed throughout your clutch's engagement browse.

In other words, we arrive at our clutch pedal kits for you. And with a huge variety, you can find the clutch pedal kit that's idyllic for you. If you're grip is beyond saving, you arse go over our RZR First-string Hold Assemblies.

Where to Buy a Primary Clutch Spring for a Polaris Sportsman

Source: https://www.superatv.com/offroad-atlas/how-polaris-clutch-works/

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